

Based on our years of experience at Jungle Survival Academy, we have a selection process designed to handpick only the ones who are cut out for the Toughest Survival Course for Civilians in the World. Step 1 of the process is to show your intent by filling up the Registration Form below. We will then contact you and take you through the JSA selection process. It is only to ensure that you do not sign up for something you may not be able to complete. If you do not get a slot this year, you can try again next year, when you are mentally and physically prepared to complete the course of your choice. The degree of difficulty of this course is second to none in the world ever crafted for civilian citizens and hence you must prepare yourself to receive a recommendation when you are contacted by a Counsellor from the Enrolment Team. That is the only way to get an entry to any of our courses. Recommendation will be informed on the call itself. Registering does not Guarantee you a Entry to go through the course. Register only if you think you could survive the toughest course for civilians in the world.
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Registration Fee: Rs 5000/- ( 100% refundable)
Refundable only if not selected.

Address all queries to info@junglesurvivalacademy.com

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